
Carole King Testifies Before Senate Subcommittee

WASHINGTON DC - Carole King appeared before the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests on Wednesday, September 27. King, who has lived in Idaho for nearly 30 years, was invited to testify by the subcommittee at the request its chairman, Senator Larry Craig (R-ID). She spoke in opposition to the bill that Congressman Mike Simpson (R-ID) introduced into Congress, the Central Idaho Economic Development Act (CIEDRA), HR 3603.

"This bill asks Americans to accept the outright giveaway of thousands of acres of public land in Idaho for private development," says King. She added, "Forty-seven conservation groups — including the Sierra Club and 15 organizations based in Idaho — oppose this legislation. Only a handful of conservation groups support the bill, including the Wilderness Society and the Idaho Conservation League. Both groups are on record as saying that public land should remain public, but they've abandoned that position to support this bill." The Hearing took place at 10:00 AM Eastern Time on Wednesday, September 27, 2006.